Industry insight - Securing the ‘generation rent’ workforce

By Industry Contributor 23 August 2019

The key to hiring and retaining the new generation is to understand them. Bernadette Wightman, Managing Director for the Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region at BT, explains. FULL STORY >


Dell Technologies Gen Z Research Reveals Good News: We Haven’t Raised a Generation of Robots

By Press Release 9 November 2018

If millennials have a bad reputation for being technology addicted, then surely Gen Z would be worse? Not so, according to new research from Dell Technologies. FULL STORY >


To succeed with youth on social media, let them be part of the brand’s story

By Opinion 1 November 2017

We know about marketing to Generation Z – but what about marketing to Generation Z? Do marketers need to relook tactics? Ernst Wittmann from Alcatel shares his insight into the market’s dilemma. FULL STORY >


Why Gen Z is ignoring your job ad

By Opinion 30 October 2017

Sage’s head of Talent Solutions, Heidi Duvenage gives a few tips about how to write a clear job description for Generation Z. FULL STORY >

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